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         We are enthusiastic and excited about expanding the opportunity for Arkansans and others to participate in the Underground Railroad for New Life’s journey to enhance birth outcomes for Women in Arkansas and beyond! Birthing Project USA’s  founder -Kathryn Hall -Trujillo- and her  experiment which began in 1988 to provide social support to community women during pregnancy has grown into an internaphenomenon.  Communities invest in local birthing projects to help ensure the well-being of future generations.             


 “In every community, there is work to be done…

In every heart, there is the power to do it”.


      This quote from Marianne Williamson echoes the sentiments of the Arkansas Birthing Project as we are reminded of how anything can be accomplished as long as people are willing to come together and work toward a common goal.

     Lets face it, life in our society is simply not fair! We do not all have the same access to the resources necessary to meet our most basic needs or the  opportunities to realize our dreams. Arkansas is no stranger to the poor health outcomes affecting Mothers and babies of color in the U.S.  The burden of infant death is not shared equally among the residents of Arkansas.  According to authorities, people living in counties with rural, poor and minority populations, especially in the Mississippi Delta, have greater rates of black infants deaths compared to white infant deaths partly because African American low birth weight rates are twice as high as whites. Arkansas also has the 3rd highest rate of African American maternal death and the 6th highest Infant Mortality rate in the U.S. Women in our communities continue to share their less than satisfactory birth experiences and the pain associated with being ignored, disrespected and talked down to when they enter health care environments.       

     Moms and babies deserve better. That's why at Arkansas Birthing Project, the needs of our mothers and babies are always the top priority  as we do our best to create a culture of caring at the grassroots level.

      The Birthing Project is an organization practically built on hopes and dreams.  This is why the Arkansas Birthing Project is making a full commitment to working to develop communities that are willing to invest in the value of healthy mothers, babies and families by seeking out local community Leaders -  Leaders who are who are willing to display their caring hearts by supporting and nurturing women during pregnancy and child rearing, a time when they really need a friend. 

       It’s important to make sure all of our stakeholders - like you - have a voice and an opportunity to take part in this social venture. Right now we’re in the midst of creating some great things.  We are confident that we are not alone in this commitment and we look forward to working with each of you.



We invite you to learn more about the Birthing Project. 

We'd like to help you form a Birthing Project in your community!



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